Anastasia Barron

Event Organiser & Administration

Anastasia is a citizen of the world at heart and has called Melbourne home since early 2020. Having experience of living in several countries, she finally landed and settled in Australia.

Anastasia studied Event Management and Producing at SPBGUKI, and UX design and Marketing Analytics at RMIT. With a long history in the event industry and a reputation for being creative and empathetic, Anastasia creates great events that tell a story and get results. Her special pride is large-scale city festivals, rock concerts, charity and social meanful events.

Above all else, Anastasia is a problem solver and strategist with diverse experience and a passion for the creative process. Her projects have been recognized by European and Asian awards. It got to the point that in 2021 Anastasia organised her own local business - natural one ingredient dog treats (do not lock event organisers at home!)

When not organising something Anastasia can either be found doing gardening with her family and bull terrier Fidel, or, more than likely, indulging in swimming in the ocean or riding her motorbike around.