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Date: 6th of December 2021
Time: 2:00pm to 3:00pm
Melbourne Connect (University of Melbourne)
Session Type: Workshop
Amy Huva (Morris Group) and Sara Redmond-Neal (Small Mighty CSR)

Amy Huva

Impact Officer

Morris Group

Amy is a senior consultant with Impact Sustainability, where she works with clients to deliver practical carbon reductions that make sustainability the default. She is an experienced sustainability and climate specialist with a background working with government, the non-profit sector, and the private sector, and currently also Impact Officer for the Morris Group, where she is responsible for developing and leading sustainability projects, liaising with Governments, managing the philanthropic portfolio, and delivering GHG reductions across the organisation.

Title: The net zero transformation - aligning your business with global carbon reduction
Synopsis: We are now in the decisive decade for climate action. Are you in? Catch up on what's happening at a global and local level and what that means for your business. Get clear on what your pathway to zero looks like, including quick wins, accessing government rebates, how to measure and calculate your footprint, tackling your major energy uses, buying offsets, and communicating your efforts.